
Out-of-the-box applications so you can test, monitor and manage networks in a flash

What you’ll get

  • Speed Test

    LibreSpeed is a lightweight web browser-based speed test server running on your Pi. It is implemented in JavaScript that runs in a web browser. No client app needed, so you can run it on any device.

  • Profiler

    Profiler makes the WLAN Pi act as an access point with all the capabilities and amendment support money can buy. You then attempt to connect a Wi-Fi client to it. During the association process, Profiler will capture all client's capabilities and report on them.

  • Grafana

    Grafana is an open source analytics and interactive visualization web app, which we have preloaded with some useful charts, graphs, and alerts. This allows you to create and import your own dashboard, customising the WLAN Pi into your ideal wireless and networking sensor.

  • Kismet

    Kismet is a network detector, packet sniffer, and intrusion detection system for 802.11 wireless LANs.

  • Network Details

    Discover all you need to know about your network in a single click.

  • Cockpit

    Web-based terminal access to your Pi, system manager, and much more. Go and explore.